Who IS HomeGirl?
Janice Sorensen is HomeGirl.
Janice is a fine artist and designer who has been creating space professionally since 2008 and for the love of it for over 30 years.

She has curated interior space
for non-profit organizations, for profit companies, art centers, craft studios, body work offices as well as in many private homes.
Her creative process is an outgrowth of her facility with and fondness for different media and interior efficiency. Her work not only combines several artistic forms but more often than not, is inspired and strengthened by the fluidity with which she moves from one to the next. She has created bodies of work in stained glass, oil paint watercolor, found object sculpture, woodwork, clay and photography.
As well, Janice is an Airbnb “Super Host” reflective of her commitment and responsiveness to her guests and of the quality of her space and hosting. She has helped other homeowners create Airbnb “list ready” rooms and can consult with you about the finer points of being an Airbnb host. Maximize your life by utilizing your assets (your own home!) to generate additional income.